
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Week 10: Halloween!

Hi everyone!

I love the fact that I can use Pinterest for holidays, and so can my friends.  I went to a halloween party on 10/29/11 and I decided to try to experiment with eye make up.  I unfortunately, did not get a good close up of my eyes, but I'll tell you I used and what I tried to do!  My costume was a Devil in a Blue Dress and I thought it would do so so so fun to try to do up my eye makeup.  I really have no clue how to do my eye makeup, but I figured it was halloween, so it wouldn't be a huge deal if I screwed it up.  I wanted the eyes to be a tad evil-ish looking and found a pin to help me.

The inspiration-

First I needed the make up.  I have a few blacks and greys, but no red.  I wanted to keep it cheap because realistically, when am I ever going to wear red eye make up???  After searching high and low in Target, I saw the ELF Never Too Much Palette; 144 eye shadow pieces for $15.  I figured, I may not use a majority of these colors, but many of the browns/bronze colors were so pretty, I was able to justify the $15.  I also decided to experiment with some liquid eye liner, so I picked up a black liner from Almay.

Basically, at this point, I just went for it.  I first primed my eyes with Benefit's "That Gal", then I applied their "Some Kind of Gorgeous" (foundation faker) all over my eyes and under my eyes just so everything looked even, and then for a final touch I applied their "High Beam" for a good base highlighter to my brow bone and the crease of my eye.  Then I started to apply the various greys, blacks, and reds.  It was very fun :)

Also, my friend Allison used Pinterest for all of her snacks!  Here are some pics :)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Week 9: Pumpkin Cupcakes

Hi all,

I haven't baked in forever!  I love to bake in the fall and the winter, especially at Halloween as I feel like that's a neglected baking holiday (although, it looks like more and more people are baking for Halloween from all the stuff I see in Target, Wal-Mart, Michael's, and Joann's, but I digress).

I am heading off to brunch today with some of my girlfriends and said I would bring dessert, as I needed a blog for this week anyway!  I have seen the 2 ingredient cake mix and pumpkin filling EVERYWHERE, so I thought I'd give it a whirl.  I'm sorta surprised I'm only just hearing about it since it looks like the original from Robin Sue at Big Red Kitchen has been posted since 2008!!!  If I also had the mason jars that I didn't see the point in buying right now, I woulda baked these bad boys in there (scroll down her blog for ideas), but cupcakes it will be.  I really wanted to make the apple cider glaze that she made with the cake, but I figured since I was doing cupcakes, I'd go with some Cream Cheese Frosting.  Of course, I can't find my recipe that I liked anywhere.  So I figured the lovely pinners at Pinterest could help me out.  Low and behold, this one recipe from Not So Humble Pie kept popping up and getting repinned, I figured it had to be good, especially since she uses this recipe for a whole bunch of stuff on her website.  So here we go.

Pins that inspired-

Let me tell you, the prep time took longer than the rest of this.  SO EASY (ok the frosting was a bit of a challenge because I didn't realize you had to WHIP the heavy cream, but I'll address that later).

Here are my ingredients-
1 Box of Betty Crocker Yellow Cake (really, you can use any cake.  I had one friend do this with chocolate and another who used Spice Cake.  The list really goes on)
1 15oz Can of Libby's Pumpkin (you can use whatever you want for the pumpkin, the Libby's was there.  Again, I've seen variations that use other pie fillings and yogurt)

So, I preheated the oven to 350 while I was out walking the pooch.  When I got back in, I lined my cupcake pans.

Next, I opened up the cake mix and then poured in the pumpkin and mixed for 2 minutes.  Now, those of you who made the cinnamon pancakes, the consistency is about the same.  VERY thick!  I filled the cupcakes up about 1/2 to 2/3 of the way up.  I only got 18 cupcakes out of this as opposed to the usual 24.  I did notice these bad boys rise a tad more too.  I baked for about 19 minutes (tested with toothpick to make sure the toothpick came out clean).  I took them out and let them cool.

Next, the cream cheese frosting.  I only made half the recipe that Not So Humble Pie made and all was well.
3/4 c powdered sugar (you can add more to make a little stiffer so it's easier to pipe if you want to be fancy)
8oz of cream cheese
1/2 teaspoon of vanilla
1/2 c heavy cream

So because I'm super awesome, I did not read the recipe all the way through before making.  Here is my suggestion.  You should make the whipped cream first.  You need to whip it until it forms stiff peaks (aka whipped cream).  Then you'll incorporate that into the rest of the frosting. I'll share what I did.

First, beat with a paddle attachment, the cream cheese, powdered sugar (which I did not sift b/c I tend to think the frosting comes out a little off, but to each his own), and vanilla until smooth and no lumps.  Then I saw I had to actually turn the heavy cream into whipped cream.  For other recipes I had normally just poured it straight in, not so much.  So I tried to actually use a whisk and that was going to take forever.  Luckily, I did not use my whisk attachment, but I did use my actual bowl that fits on the KitchenAid.  I didn't want to empty out the already sitting frosting because I was going to have to beat this all together anyway so, I stood there and held the bowl under the KitchenAid until I got my stiff peaks.  If Scott hadn't already left for the day, I would have made him take a picture because I looked ridiculous.  Anywho, when that was all done, I incorporated the whipped cream into the cream cheese mixture and very briefly (like less than a minute) beat the two mixtures together.  I let the frosting set up in the fridge for a bit.

Because I was running late (as per usual), I decided everyone could frost their own cupcakes!

Overall, I think this was super easy and came out really well.  It isn't a normal cupcake consistency (as one of my friends said, it was a tad crumbly), but it was still really good!  I'd say definitely try this one out :)

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Week 8: Antique and Glitter Pumpkins!!

Hi all,

Brace yourselves.  It's Sunday and I'm posting my blog ON TIME!  Yesterday was beautiful and I figured it may be one of the last weekends that I could go outside and spray paint without freezing my tail off, so I got real crafty yesterday.  I was going to wait and save this post until next week, but I figured in case anyone got inspired and wanted to do glitter and antiqued pumpkins this week, I'd get to posting :)

I have decided that I really enjoy the fact that I have decided to have more of a "Fall" theme instead of strictly Halloween.  First, I can keep these up through Thanksgiving (for the most part).  Second, I figure with the money I am spending to make these crafts, I should be able to enjoy them for more than a couple of weeks.  For you Crafty McCraftersons who already own a bunch of this stuff  (read spray paint, gloves and masks, masking tape, etc), I'm sure these already pretty cheap projects are even cheaper for you.  I am finding this is starting to be the case for me too, thank goodness.

Enough of the justification of spending money to decorate; on to the pins!

The pins of glitter and antique pumpkins are endless.  Instead of posting a bunch of pins, here is one that has both-

First, I'm going to go over the glitter pumpkins.

Here is my disclaimer/advice on these glitter pumpkins that I haven't really read anywhere else, so I apologize for the massive paragraph of advice I'm about to give you.  You can make these pumpkins a bunch of different ways.
1) Krylon now makes glitter spray paint.  This is the way you should probably go.  I would have done this if I hadn't already bought glitter and spray adhesive.  I thought this would be WAY easier than option two-
2) Glue or Mod Podge and then glitter.  I really didn't want to have to sit there and paint glue on a pumpkin and have it drip everywhere.  The advantage to this though, would be that you could probably do these inside.
3) Spray adhesive and glitter (the route I went).

Now, if you decide to do spray paint pumpkins and glitter pumpkins in the same day (and you aren't going the glitter spray paint route), here is some advice.  I would suggest doing the spray paint pumpkins first, and here is why:  SO YOU DON'T HAVE GLITTER EVERYWHERE (glitter sticks to everything in case you live in a cave and didn't know this).  Now, the only reason why I didn't follow my own advice that I had thought of the night before is because it was a tad windy outside.  I didn't want spray paint blowing everywhere (like in my face before I had bought the mask and gloves).  I thought I could just do the glitter pumpkins inside...  WRONG (for me personally at least).

Here was my process and my materials-
Pumpkins from Walmart $5 for 8 and some random leaves.
Masking Tape
Paper plates
Glitter (I refused to buy Martha Stewart's $4 glitter, I wanted to, but glitter shouldn't cost $4 per color).  I went with $0.97 from Walmart and $5ish variety pack (I think there was 12 or 14 mini bottles) from Michael's
Spray Adhesive (I got it at Michael's for $6; apparently Wal-Mart had it for $4 or $5).
Clear Acrylic Sealant
Newspaper (or anything to lay down to catch the glitter.)
(the other spray paint and coffee filter is for the antiqued pumpkins)

I decided to use the lighter color pumpkins because I wasn't positive how coverage would work.  After making these, you can use whatever color you want, the glitter will cover.

Some blogs say to use painters tape to cover the stems, but I used masking tape and it worked just fine.  I highly suggest doing this so you can grip onto something that isn't covered in glitter.  Plus, you'll smudge the glitter if you pick up the pumpkin and it kinda makes a mess and it's hard to fix the mistake (trust me, I did this by accident).

My original idea was to run outside, spray on the adhesive, and come back in and glitter.  This is why that wasn't the best idea- that spray adhesive stinks just as bad as spray paint, if not worse.  Plus the poor dog kept wanting to run back and forth with me.  I packed everything up and moved outside.

So I resprayed the pumpkin and started to sprinkle on the glitter.  Martha Stewart says to sprinkle the glitter in sections, and once coated, move onto the next.  Maybe it was because it was windy, maybe it was because it was 8 am and I didn't have coffee, but this didn't really matter as much.  I tried a variety of techniques- in sections, doing the top first, rotating and sprinkling; it all pretty much worked the same for me.  What I did do was have 2 paper plates in rotation.  The first one caught the glitter.  Then, I switch out the first one (full of glitter) with a clean one and sprinkled the glitter from the plate over the pumpkin (so now i had 2 glitter filled plates).  This worked pretty well.  The cool thing about the spray adhesive is, you can respray it on while you're waiting for the pumpkin to dry so you can do the second layer of glitter.  I don't know how many "layers" I did per se, but here are pictures of just one layer and then pictures after i resprayed and used more glitter.
"one layer"


I let them sit for a little bit (mostly because it was windy and I had glitter going everywhere and I wanted to clean up before I started the sealant).  Another piece of advice.  Use gloves.  I still have sealant on my nails today (no glitter, thank God).  Ok, moving on.  I followed the directions on the can.  I did 4 or 5 short bursts that covered the pumpkin.  I let them sit for 15 minutes and then sprayed side to side.  I let them sit for 15 mins again and repeated.  3 coats seemed to work well.  After they were dry, I took off the masking tape.

My final verdict- this would have been better if it weren't windy.  It was actually really funny and I laughed a lot, but it was still sort of a pain.  Advantage to glitter is you can do so many colors!!!  My Michael's glitter was much more shiny than my walmart glitter, but the walmart glitter gave the pumpkins a vintage-y and more refined feel.  I don't think the glitter spray paint comes in as many colors.

Next, the antiqued pumpkins-
Krylon spray paint in Black (flat finish)
Krylon spray paint in White (flat finish)
Krylon brushed metal spray paint in Nickel (satin finish)

These were so easy.  Lots of techniques you can use.  I went the lazy route and only used spray paint.  I tried to layer the spray paint and wipe every with a coffee filter and foam brush; this did not work.  It would have worked with actual stain, which I did not buy.

First pumpkin- I just sprayed with the Nickel and I LOVED it.

Second pumpkin- I sprayed white (which was adorable) and then I sprayed with the nickel (this was when I tried that trick and it didn't work).  I resprayed with nickel.
Third pumpkin- I sprayed with black and then I added the nickel on top.  AWESOME.  Repeated with fourth pumpkin, when a happy mistake happened.

The wind picked up and some of the black went onto pumpkin #1 (which is the pumpkin on the left in front, you can't really see on this angle).  It looked AWESOME.  So I did quick bursts of black over the nickel.  Final verdict- this was great!  You can also do these in other colors (like the gold and bronze in the pin above), but I liked my color palette I had.

Here is what my mantel looks like-
From Left to Right- Orange Pumpkin I bought on sale (from Michael's) on spray painted candle stick (from week 5), black glitter pumpkin (using Michael's glitter), spray paint antiqued pumpkin (black, then nickel finish), orange/rose glitter pumpkin (using Wal-Mart glitter), spray paint antiqued pumpkin (white, nickel, black finish), Mod Podged pumpkin and spray pained candle stick (from week 5), orange glitter pumpkin (Michael's glitter), spray painted antiqued pumpkin (nickel, black), black glitter pumpkin (Wal-Mart glitter), spray paint antiqued pumpkin (black, nickel finish), and purchased antique pumpkin (from Michael's on sale) on spray painted candlestick (from week 5).

Love, Love, LOVE all of my fall decorations :)

Keep on pinning,

Thursday, October 13, 2011

A spin off idea...

Hi all,

So to break it down, I need to start my weight loss kick.  I can't afford to buy new clothes, so I really just need to workout and eat better.  I think Pinterest can help (yes, I know, I sound obsessed, but hear me out).  I really need some variety for workouts from what I have done in the past and I could really use some new healthy recipes; pinterest happens to have both.  In addition to my weekly challenges, I'm going to try some new workout routines and I'll report the findings; same with the recipes.  Be on the lookout for this next week :)

Keep on pinning,

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Week 7: Halloween Lantern

Hi all!

I am getting this post up on a Tuesday; better than a Thursday!

As I have mentioned in other posts, the reason why I like doing these projects is because it's about inspiration.  I love the fact that I can reuse items for the future, use a project to escape reality (hi grad school!), fit in a project when I so little time (hi grad school), I can be thrifty or cheap, or for whatever other reason I can think of under the sun :)

This week happened to be a quick project week.  I have SO much going on with grad school this term, I just wanted to do something quick just as a release from the insanity :)  A couple of weeks ago I spotted a lantern that I thought was adorable at IKEA for $7.99.  I remembered a pin I saw using lanterns for holding Xmas ornaments.  I figured, "hey, why not use this lantern for Halloween too!"  When I got home, I was looking at my pins and saw I actually DID pin this idea for Halloween too ;)  Sometimes you forget your pins (those of you who use Pinterest KNOW you have repinned before!).

Pins that inspired-

Knowing I would get around to this eventually, I bought (on sale at Joann's) glitter skulls, and pumpkin jingle bells in black, purple, and an orange-ish/red-ish color.  If I ever get around to it, I'll throw in some mini pumpkins if I can find them cheap.

Next, I opened up the lantern and just started putting the items in :)

Tada!!!  Quick and easy!  I think it took me about 5-10 minutes if that.  I'd definitely say go for this project because it can add a pop of color so quickly :)

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Week 6: House Warming Gift!

Hello everyone!  Sorry it is now Thursday and I am just posting the blog for Week 6, when I made this last Friday...  But I will try my darnest to get Week 7 up on time :)  I do have a quick and easy project in mind already :)  I also have a back up plan too, so we should be good to go!!!

So with all of this in mind, here we go on this week's pin :)

The is the reason why I love Pinterest:  I can find pins for anything!  I really like that I can find fun and create ways to give gifts thanks to Pinterest.  Last Saturday I had a house warming/ meet the new puppy party for Scott's brother and future sister in law (who actually introduced me to Pinterest!  Thanks Sarah!).  Since Andrew and Sarah had already been living together and were moving into a bigger space, I wanted to be creative with what I got them besides the regular ole' bottle of wine.  I wanted a cute twist.  Enter Pinterest.  Here are the pins that inspired the latest project!


Now that I had these pictures in my head, I had to figure out where to get these things.  While I wasn't even thinking twice about this, I found some tea towels (pack of 4) and wooden utensils (pack of 3) at IKEA for $3.49 each!!!   I also know they both LOVE wine, so I found a Houdini wine stopper/pourer at Target for $4.  I also got the pooch a chewing bone and some puppy biscuits.  Now, if these use these items again or not, at least the presentation was cute :)   To assemble, I used rubber bands and a bow for presentation.  EASY!!!

Next came the assembly.   I couldn't find blogs on how to make these, but I figured it really couldn't be too hard.  I figured if I could make a diaper cake and that stork, I could make this.

First I decided which tea towel I wanted to use to wrap the bottle in.  I centered the bottle in the towel and then brought the edges up and played around with how i wanted the top to look.  Once I got that figured out, enter the rubber bands.  I just took a small/medium sized one and wrapped it around the top a couple of times and made sure the towel fell over the rubber band.

Next, I stacked the remaining towels to see what pattern combination I liked best and what pattern I wanted to show the most.  I really just played around with stacking and folding to come up with this.  Sarah is slightly obsessed with stripes, so I wanted that to be my towel that would be on top of the other 2. 

When I folded the towels, I kept the crease on the bottom and on the inside towards the wine bottle, so that when I stuck in the utensiles, they would have somewhere to hang out and not fall through incase the final rubber band broke or the ribbon came undone.

Once I got the towels in an order I liked, I wrapped them around the wine bottle.  Now, I'm sure you could get real fancy with hiding seams and what not, but the towels were so thick because of stacking and folding, I just said screw it, and lined the overlap up in the back and had the towel fall over it best I could.  I also had a larger rubber band ready and just placed it on one of the stripes. 

Next I started to put in the utensiles, which was easy with the rubber band already holding everything together.

Fianlly, I wrapped a ribbon around the whole thing.

This may seem like a bunch of steps, but it was super easy and I think took me 30 mins and that was with stopping to take pictures.  I'd say if you can find the materials easily and cheaply, this is a project you should go for :)